Gehalt Alain Berset

Vizepräsident - Schweiz
Geboren: 1972 Schweiz
  • Jahr: 423.000,00 €
  • Monat: 35.250,00 €
  • Woche: 8.134,62 €
  • Tag: 1.626,92 €
Alain Berset
Diese Zusammenfassung stammt aus Wikipedia

Alain Berset ist ein Schweizer Politiker (SP). Er war von 2012 bis 2023 Bundesrat und Vorsteher des Eidgenössischen Departements des Innern (EDI). 2018 und 2023 amtierte er als Bundespräsident der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.

Wikipedia-Seite über Alain Berset Jan 2022: The gross annual income of a federal councillor is CHF 456‘854 (as of 1 January 2022). In addition to the salary there is an annual expense allowance of CHF 30 000 (as of 1 January 2022; not index-linked). The president also receives an additional CHF 12 000 during the year in office. Apr. 2021: The gross annual income of a federal councillor is CHF 454.581 (as of 1 January 2021).
-Federal Council 2020: The gross annual income of a federal councillor is CHF 454’581 (as of 1 January 2020). It is adjusted for inflation, as are all salaries paid to federal employees, but there is no salary increase in real terms. In addition to the salary there is an annual expense allowance of CHF 30 000 (as of 1 January 2020; not index-linked). The president also receives an additional CHF 12 000 during the year in office.
Other benefit is that telecommunication costs are covered (landline line, mobile phone and broadband connection). They are, however, expected to pay their TV and radio licence fee themselves.
Each member of the Federal Councillor and the Federal Chancellor is entitled to an official state car and a company car. For private usage they are billed 0.8 per cent of the car’s new value per month. They also receive a first class annual rail pass.


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Update: 2022-10

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